According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 5,000 Americans die annually of workplace-related injuries. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is mandated to ensure safety at the workplace by encouraging managers to undergo workplace CPR training with their staff. According to the OSHA Act, employers must comply with hazard-specific safety and health standards. The law also requires employers to ensure that the workplace is free from recognized hazards likely to cause severe harm or death.
Why CPR Training is Must for Managers?
Cardiac arrest is one of the most common medical emergency situations in the workplace. The victim can die within minutes if CPR is not performed in time. Every second that goes by with the victim unattended reduces the chances of survival by the time that Emergency Medical Services team arrives. Unfortunately, the number of CPR-certified people is below the recommended ratio. Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the electrical signals of the heart malfunction and the victim’s heart stop beating. As a result, the victim will collapse and stop breathing.

How CPR Can Save Lives of Workplace Employees?
Chest compressions aim to maintain the circulation of blood. The body can die without an oxygen supply. When prolonged, major body organs can fail or undergo permanent damage. The brain, which controls major body functions, will die without an oxygen supply. CPR certification courses provide skills and knowledge on the performance of CPR. Workplace CPR certification courses are also available online, which is more convenient. Online CPR certification offers the same levels of life-saving skills at lower costs. The course can be taken anywhere, anytime with only a computer and internet. Here are 7 reasons why safety managers should acquire CPR skills
1. CPR skills are helpful anywhere
CPR skills are lifesaving skills that can be used anywhere when needed. The knowledge offered in the first training programs is immense and applicable in other areas of life. In first aid training classes, you learn different things that widen your mind. For example, you can apply the information to promote your health and educate those close to you.
Health emergencies can occur anytime and to anyone when we least expect them. For example, whenever a loved one suffers from sudden cardiac arrest, their survival depends on the speed with which CPR is performed. Unfortunately, emergency response teams will not always arrive in time to save the life of our loved ones. For this reason, everyone should make an effort to acquire CPR skills.
2. Improves the value of the employee
CPR and first aid certified staff are crucial to any organization. In an emergency medical, the availability of a CPR-certified safety manager could make the difference between life and death. Saving the life of a colleague suffering from cardiac emergencies could make the individual indispensable. Employers are more likely to hire a first aid certified person. Your first aid certification could make the difference between you and the next person in a job interview. Some jobs, such as security guards, police officers, and lifeguards, require the person to hold first aid certification. Persons interested in these jobs will find it prudent to take a first aid certification.
3. Workplace CPR Helps save lives
CPR is a critical first-aid procedure for the survival of cardiac arrest victims. It is estimated that about 1000 people suffer sudden cardiac arrest in America every day, with only a 10% survival rate. The survival of cardiac arrest victims depends on how fast CPR is performed. Unfortunately, most people who experience out of hospital cardiac arrest don’t receive CPR.
The Workplace CPR certification course gives the individual a deep understanding of the science behind CPR and how it saves lives. The American Heart Association places emphasis on the quality of CPR in saving lives. High-quality CPR should achieve the objective of the whole procedure by keeping the victim alive. It’s a training requirements for a rescuer to effectively perform CPR, making the training critical for safety managers in organizations. Everyone expects the safety manager to provide the necessary emergency care whenever a health emergency occurs.

4. Learn how to use AED
Workplace CPR certification also covers the use of the Automated External Defibrillator. For example, it would be impossible to revive the heart of a cardiac arrest victim without using the Automated External Defibrillator device. Unlike chest compressions, the AED requires more skill and training to operate and save a life. The training will help you understand the differences in how the device is used for infants and children arrested adults. Every organization should have a working AED device to access this to everyone. Knowledgeable safety managers will ensure that their organization has the necessary equipment in an emergency.
5. It gives hope for recovery
CPR and other first-aid procedures are aimed at saving lives. Sometimes, when first aid is not performed, the victim can develop complications that can slow down the recovery process. Workplace CPR, for instance, increases the chances of survival for the victim. Whenever CPR is delayed, the victim can suffer permanent brain damage, which could be life-changing for the individual and their loved ones. The victim does not require further or specialized treatment whenever some first aid procedures are done. First aid saves not only lives but also resources. However, everyone should prepare for different emergencies by taking first aid certification.
6. Lowers the number of workplace accidents
Most accidents that occur at the workplace can be avoided. First aid online training courses provide life-saving skills on how most emerge happen and how to prevent them by ensuring safety in our environment. Accidents at the workplace can be costly to the organization in cases where lawsuits are involved. Health emergencies that occur at the workplace can have a significant impact on the image of the organization and its profitability.

Employees are more comfortable working in a safer workplace environment. Safety managers have the task of ensuring that the environment at work is safe and free from health hazards. Employees are more relaxed and productive in a safe environment as they don’t have to live in fear of sustaining an injury. Whenever the required measures are met, the organization can attract a new and even more qualified workforce boosting the overall productivity. Some organizations will opt to have all their employees CPR and first aid certified. Given the advantages of Workplace CPR certification, this is one of the best ways to keep your employees motivated.
7. Helps in Self-protection
If you work in health care industry, BLS certification for healthcare providers online offers skills on personal safety. When offering first aid, the rescuer needs to safeguard their health. First aid training provides safety skills in performing specific procedures that help protect oneself from cross-infection when attending to victims. Some of the processes involved in life-saving such as mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, could lead to the transmission of illnesses. Injuries involving blood and body fluids from infected persons could also result in infections. As a rescuer, you will most often be involved in rescue missions with unknown victims you are unaware of their health status. First aid training offers life-saving skills to handle the victims while keeping yourself safe from the risk of infection.