EMT Practice Test: NREMT Exam Preparation

The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) test, also known as the NREMT (National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians) exam, assesses the knowledge and skills necessary for emergency medical care. The test covers several categories, each focusing on different aspects of emergency medical services (EMS), including Airway, Respiration, and Ventilation, Cardiology and Resuscitation, Trauma, Medical and Obstetrics/Gynecology, and EMS Operations. The NREMT EMT exam is a computer-adaptive test (CAT), meaning the number of questions varies based on the candidate’s performance, typically ranging from 70 to 120 questions with a 2-hour time limit. The difficulty and number of questions adjust as the candidate answers each one, aiming to measure their competence by presenting questions that match their ability.

The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) test, also known as the NREMT (National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians) exam, assesses the knowledge and skills needed for providing emergency medical care. The test covers several categories, each focusing on different aspects of emergency medical services (EMS), including Airway, Respiration, and Ventilation; Cardiology and Resuscitation; Trauma; Medical and Obstetrics/Gynecology; and EMS Operations.

How many questions are there in the NREMT exam?

The NREMT EMT exam is a computer-adaptive test (CAT), meaning the number of questions varies based on the candidate’s performance, typically including between 70 to 120 questions with a time limit of up to 2 hours. The distribution of questions generally falls into the following ranges:

  • Airway, Respiration, and Ventilation: 18-22%
  • Cardiology and Resuscitation: 20-24%
  • Trauma: 14-18%
  • Medical and Obstetrics/Gynecology: 27-31%
  • EMS Operations: 10-14%

Test Adaptation

Since the test is adaptive, the difficulty and number of questions adjust as the candidate answers each question, aiming to accurately measure the candidate’s competence level by presenting questions that match their ability. The test concludes once it has determined the candidate’s proficiency level with sufficient confidence, resulting in a varying number of questions for each test-taker.

Sampling of 25 questions found on the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) exam

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1. You and your partner, Steve, respond to a distress call from a local café. Upon arrival, a frantic server points to a customer, a middle-aged man clutching his throat and struggling to breathe. His face is turning red, and his eyes are bulging. Based on these observations, what is the first intervention you should perform?
  • A. Encourage the man to drink water.
  • B. Ask him to try breathing slowly and calmly.
  • C. Perform the Heimlich maneuver.
  • D. Prepare an epinephrine injection.
2. During a routine home visit for a patient check-up, you encounter a 68-year-old woman with a history of COPD. She's breathing rapidly and appears distressed. Noticing that her oxygen tank is running low, what would be the best immediate action?
  • A. Switch her to a high-flow oxygen system.
  • B. Administer low-flow oxygen via a nasal cannula.
  • C. Encourage her to perform controlled breathing exercises.
  • D. Prepare to intubate if her condition worsens.
3. An adult with a respiration rate of _____ per minute would be considered within normal limits. A child aged 3-5 with a respiration rate of _____ per minute would be considered within normal limits, and an infant breathing at _____ per minute would be considered within normal limits.
  • A. Adult: 12-20; Child (3-5 years): 20-30; Infant: 30-50
  • B. Adult: 15-30; Child (3-5 years): 25-40; Infant: 40-60
  • C. Adult: 10-18; Child (3-5 years): 22-34; Infant: 25-45
  • D. Adult: 16-22; Child (3-5 years): 15-25; Infant: 20-40
4. You arrive at a scene of a vehicle accident where a young adult is pinned under a car. He is conscious but struggling to breathe. As you assess his condition, you notice he uses accessory muscles to breathe. What should you do to assist his breathing while waiting for extrication equipment?
  • A. Provide positive pressure ventilation with a bag-valve mask.
  • B. Give him an inhaler to self-administer medication.
  • C. Immediately perform a needle decompression.
  • D. Encourage him to keep talking to maintain his airway.
5. A patient with severe asthma is experiencing difficulty breathing and can barely speak. What is the first line of treatment you should administer?
  • A. Oral steroids
  • B. High-flow oxygen via a non-rebreather mask
  • C. Inhaled short-acting beta-agonist
  • D. Intravenous fluids
6. Late one evening, you and your partner, Alex, are dispatched to a residential area where a 59-year-old man is experiencing severe chest pain. His wife mentions that he has a history of heart disease. Upon examination, he appears pale and is sweating profusely. What should be your first course of action?
  • A. Administer aspirin if not contraindicated.
  • B. Prepare for immediate transport without intervention.
  • C. Perform a 12-lead ECG.
  • D. Give him nitroglycerin immediately.
7. You arrive at a shopping mall where a security guard has collapsed and is showing signs of ventricular fibrillation. What should be your immediate next step after securing the scene and ensuring safety?
  • A. Begin CPR starting with high-quality chest compressions.
  • B. Attach an AED as quickly as possible.
  • C. Administer an antiarrhythmic drug intravenously.
  • D. Move him to a quieter area for better assessment.
8. During a pediatric emergency involving a 10-year-old child showing signs of bradycardia with poor perfusion, what is your initial intervention after calling for backup?
  • A. Immediate defibrillation
  • B. Administer high-dose epinephrine
  • C. Provide ventilatory support
  • D. Initiate CPR if unresponsive
9. You arrive at a scene where a male adult patient is found unresponsive. After checking for responsiveness and calling for help, you begin CPR. According to current guidelines, what is the correct rate of chest compressions per minute you should aim to maintain?
  • A. 80-100 compressions per minute
  • B. 100-120 compressions per minute
  • C. 60-80 compressions per minute
  • D. 120-140 compressions per minute
10. You are dispatched to a car accident where the driver, an adult, shows signs of a spinal injury and is unresponsive. How should you perform CPR to minimize further injury while ensuring effective resuscitation?
  • A. Avoid head tilt and use jaw thrust for airway management
  • B. Perform compressions at a slower rate
  • C. Avoid compressions until cleared by a physician
  • D. Use only rescue breathing techniques
11. During a dual-responder scenario, you and your partner are performing CPR on a cardiac arrest patient. How often should you switch the role of the compressor to maintain the effectiveness of chest compressions?
  • A. Every one minute
  • B. Every two minutes
  • C. Every five minutes
  • D. After each cycle of compressions and breaths
12. After a severe ice storm, you arrive at a 10-car pile-up. Triage of victims must begin immediately. What is the correct order of triage labeling from least to most urgent?
  • A. Green, Yellow, Red, Black
  • B. Red, Yellow, Green, Black
  • C. Black, Red, Yellow, Green
  • D. Yellow, Red, Green, Black
13. At a construction site, a worker has fallen from scaffolding and complains of severe back pain. You suspect a spinal injury. How do you proceed to ensure the best outcome for the patient?
  • A. Encourage him to remain still while you apply a cervical collar.
  • B. Help him sit down to evaluate his pain.
  • C. Conduct a quick neurological exam before immobilizing.
  • D. Transport him immediately without spinal precautions.
14. During an outdoor festival, a participant falls and complains of severe pain in the hip area. You suspect a pelvic fracture. What is the most appropriate management for this patient while awaiting further help?
  • A. Ask the patient to try to stand to assess mobility.
  • B. Keep the patient lying flat and immobilize the pelvis with a binder.
  • C. Allow the patient to find a comfortable position.
  • D. Give the patient analgesics to manage the pain.
15. You arrive at a scene where an adult patient has suffered blunt trauma to the chest with suspected rib fractures. He is anxious and has difficulty breathing. What is the best immediate management?
  • A. Administer pain medication.
  • B. Encourage deep breathing and coughing.
  • C. Provide high-flow oxygen and prepare for transport.
  • D. Apply a tight bandage around the chest.
16. You are called to a rural home where a pregnant woman at 38 weeks gestation is experiencing intermittent abdominal pain and bleeding. Upon arrival, what is your first action to assess her condition?
  • A. Prepare for immediate delivery in the home.
  • B. Assess the frequency and intensity of contractions.
  • C. Check for signs of placental abruption.
  • D. Transport her immediately without further assessment.
17. At a summer camp, you are approached by a counselor concerned about a child with a sudden fever, headache, and stiff neck. Given these symptoms, what do you suspect, and what is your immediate action?
  • A. The child has meningitis; initiate cooling measures and transport urgently.
  • B. Heat exhaustion; hydrate the child and apply cool packs.
  • C. The symptoms suggest an allergic reaction; administer an antihistamine.
  • D. This is a simple viral infection; observe and monitor symptoms.
18. During a routine patrol in a park, you find an elderly man disoriented with a medical bracelet indicating he is diabetic. He is sweating and shaking. After confirming hypoglycemia with a glucometer reading, what is your next step?
  • A. Give him a glucagon injection.
  • B. Provide a sugary drink and a snack.
  • C. Wait for more pronounced symptoms before acting.
  • D. Immediately start an IV line to administer dextrose.
19. While monitoring a local marathon, you are called to assist a woman in the late stages of pregnancy who suddenly feels pressure and pain in her pelvic area. What should you check first?
  • A. Time the intervals between her contractions.
  • B. Check for vaginal bleeding or fluid leakage.
  • C. Immediately prepare for on-site delivery.
  • D. Encourage her to walk to a medical tent.
20. A middle-aged man with a history of kidney issues complains of sudden, severe flank pain and nausea while at a family reunion. Suspecting a kidney stone, what is your approach to managing his condition?
  • A. Encourage fluid intake and prepare for transport.
  • B. Administer a strong pain reliever and wait for an ambulance.
  • C. Suggest walking around to see if the pain subsides.
  • D. Provide a heating pad to reduce discomfort.
21. Responding to a distress call at a senior center, you find a man clutching his chest in pain. He is known to have a heart condition and is pale and sweaty. After administering oxygen, what should you consider next?
  • A. Ask him to calm down and relax.
  • B. Administer aspirin and prepare for nitroglycerin if blood pressure permits.
  • C. Perform a quick physical examination.
  • D. Prepare to use an automated external defibrillator (AED).
22. Late at night, you receive a call from a woman who is experiencing sharp, lower abdominal pain and spotting at 10 weeks of pregnancy. Considering the symptoms, what should you suspect, and how should you manage her transport?
  • A. The patient is experiencing normal pregnancy pains; drive her to the hospital at a regular speed.
  • B. This is an ectopic pregnancy; provide immediate transport with lights and sirens.
  • C. She has a urinary tract infection; provide pain relief and transport non-urgently.
  • D. Assess for gastrointestinal issues; transport depends on comfort.
23. Upon arriving at the scene of a chemical spill, you notice people are confused and scared, moving chaotically around the hazardous area. What is the most important action to ensure safety?
  • A. Begin decontamination for those affected.
  • B. Secure the area and prevent others from entering.
  • C. Provide first aid to those showing symptoms of exposure.
  • D. Call for specialized hazardous material support.
24. You are in charge at the scene of a major traffic accident with multiple casualties. What is your first action to effectively manage the scene?
  • A. Begin triaging the victims based on the severity of their injuries.
  • B. Establish a command post to coordinate the incoming emergency services.
  • C. Provide immediate care to the most severely injured.
  • D. Clear the traffic to allow better access for additional emergency units.
25. You are the first to respond to a large building fire with potential casualties; what should be your initial step to managing the emergency effectively?
  • A. Enter the building to search for trapped individuals.
  • B. Establish a safe perimeter and begin immediate triage.
  • C. Call for additional fire, EMS, and police backup.
  • D. Start extinguishing the fire with available equipment.

The NREMT offers other tests for different levels of emergency medical responders, including EMR and Paramedics. If you are preparing for the exam, try our EMR Practice Test to help you succeed.