What is Heimlich Maneuver and How to Perform it

Choking is a life-threatening emergency that happens to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. The Heimlich Maneuver, also known as abdominal thrusts, is a well-established technique used to dislodge obstructing objects from a person's airway. Understanding the Maneuver and knowing when and how to perform it makes a critical difference in saving a life.


It is the rapid response and proper execution of the Heimlich Maneuver that means the difference between life and death in a choking emergency. Here's how to perform the Heimlich maneuver:

  1. Evaluate Choking Signs: Check if the individual shows clear signs of choking, such as inability to speak, breathlessness, or holding their throat, to confirm immediate assistance is needed.
  2. Stand Behind the Choking Person: Position yourself behind the victim, ensuring they stand or sit upright.
  3. Make a Fist with One Hand: Clench your dominant hand into a fist. Position the thumb side of your fist against the person's upper abdomen, slightly above the belly button, ensuring precise placement for effective thrusts.
  4. Locate the Navel: Ensure accuracy by first finding the person's navel. This step is critical to confirm your hands are correctly positioned for the abdominal thrusts.
  5. Place Your Fist Above the Navel: Position your fist above the navel and below the ribcage.
  6. Grasp with the Other Hand: With your non-dominant hand, grasp your fist firmly.
  7. Execute Rapid, Upward Abdominal Thrusts: Carefully apply quick, upward-directed abdominal thrusts with both hands, ensuring each thrust is both forceful and precisely controlled for maximum effectiveness.
  8. Check for Dislodgment: After each thrust, check to see if the obstruction has been dislodged. Look for signs of improvement, such as breathing or coughing.
  9. Repeat if Necessary: Continue with the abdominal thrusts until the object is expelled, the person breathe, or they become unconscious.


1. Evaluate Choking Signs

Assessing the situation is the crucial first step in providing effective aid during a choking emergency. Look for signs of distress, such as a person clutching their throat, inability to speak or cough, and a panicked expression. If the individual cannot breathe or speak and is clearly choking, they require immediate assistance.


2. Stand Behind the Choking Person

Once you've identified that someone is choking, you must position yourself correctly. Stand or kneel behind the victim, making sure they are in an upright position. This posture provides stability for both you and the person you're assisting, enabling you to perform the Heimlich Maneuver effectively.


3. Make a Fist with One Hand

To initiate the Heimlich Maneuver, form a fist with your dominant hand. Your thumb should be placed against the victim's upper abdomen, directly above the navel. This specific hand formation is crucial for applying pressure in the right area, ensuring the force is directed upward to dislodge the obstruction.


4. Locate the Navel

Before applying any pressure, locate the victim's navel. This helps you confirm the correct placement of your hands. Proper hand positioning ensures that the thrusts are applied to the right area, maximizing the chances of dislodging the object being obstructed effectively.


5. Place Your Fist Above the Navel

Once you've identified the navel, carefully place your clenched fist a few inches above the navel and strategically below the ribcage for optimal effectiveness of the abdominal thrusts. This specific placement targets the diaphragm and abdominal organs, allowing you to generate the necessary force to expel the obstructing item from the airway.


6. Grasp with the Other Hand

se your non-dominant hand to firmly and securely grasp the fist you've formed, ensuring stability and precision during the abdominal thrusts. This grip ensures stability and control, enabling you to perform the maneuver with precision. The firm hold also prevents your hands from slipping during the thrusts, allowing for effective pressure application.


7. Execute Rapid, Upward Abdominal Thrusts

With your hands in position, perform rapid and forceful upward thrusts into the victim's abdomen. The force generated should be controlled yet powerful, aiming to dislodge the obstruction. The upward movement helps create enough pressure to expel the object from the airway, allowing the person to breathe again.


8. Check for Dislodgment

After each abdominal thrust, assess the situation immediately. Look for signs of improvement, such as the person starting to breathe, cough, or show signs of consciousness. If there are no signs of improvement, continue with the thrusts until the obstruction is expelled or the person loses consciousness.


9. Repeat if Necessary

If the obstruction is not dislodged after the first attempt, repeat the abdominal thrusts until the object is expelled or the person becomes unconscious. It's crucial to act persistently until professional medical help arrives or until the person is able to breathe and speak normally, ensuring their safety and well-being.


Who Invented the Heimlich Maneuver?

Dr. Henry J. Heimlich, an American thoracic surgeon born in 1920, is renowned for inventing the Heimlich Maneuver in 1974. This life-saving technique involves abdominal thrusts to dislodge obstructions from a choking person's airway. The simplicity and effectiveness of the maneuver revolutionized first aid,  reducing choking-related fatalities. Dr. Heimlich's innovation became fundamental to first aid training, empowering people worldwide to respond confidently in emergencies. His contributions to emergency medicine and public safety have left a lasting legacy, emphasizing the profound impact one individual's dedication have on society's well-being.


What's the Purpose and Importance of the Heimlich Maneuver?

The primary purpose of the Heimlich Maneuver is to clear a blocked airway caused by a foreign object, typically food or a small object, preventing airflow into the lungs. This maneuver is crucial in preventing choking deaths by quickly and effectively expelling the obstruction, allowing the victim to breathe again.


When and why is the Heimlich maneuver Needed?

The Heimlich Maneuver is necessary when someone is choking and unable to cough forcefully, breathe, or speak. Common signs of choking include a person clutching their throat, inability to make sounds, and a distressed expression. It is essential to act swiftly in such situations, as choking leads to severe oxygen deprivation and, ultimately, brain damage or death if left untreated.


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Should you perform the Heimlich Maneuver on an unconscious person?

No, you should not perform the Heimlich Maneuver on an unconscious person. If someone is unconscious, the approach to assisting them changes significantly. In the case of an unconscious individual, it is crucial to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) instead of the Abdominal Thrusts.

CPR involves chest compressions and rescue breaths designed to maintain blood circulation and provide oxygen to the brain and other vital organs. Before initiating CPR, checking the person's airway for any visible obstructions is essential. If you see an object blocking the airway, try to remove it with a finger sweep if it's easily accessible, but do not perform blind finger sweeps, as this push the object further down the throat and worsen the situation.


Are there any additional precautions to consider when performing the Heimlich Maneuver on pregnant individuals?

Yes, there are additional precautions to consider when performing the Heimlich Maneuver on pregnant individuals due to the presence of the unborn baby. When dealing with a pregnant person who is choking, it is crucial to modify the technique slightly to ensure the safety of both the pregnant individual and the fetus. Here are the precautions and modifications to keep in mind:

  1. Positioning: Position the pregnant person in an upright manner, either standing or sitting. This position helps in providing proper support to their back and reduces the pressure on the abdomen.
  2. Hand Placement: Place the fist for the abdominal thrusts slightly higher than usual. Instead of placing your fist above the navel, position it just below the breastbone, around the center of the chest. This modification helps to avoid putting direct pressure on the uterus and the developing fetus.
  3. Force and Control: Apply the thrusts with enough force to expel the obstruction but be mindful of the pressure exerted. Pregnant individuals might be more vulnerable to injury, so it's essential to balance the forcefulness of the maneuver with gentleness and control.
  4. Seek Medical Attention: Even if the obstruction is successfully cleared, it is advisable for the pregnant person to seek immediate medical attention. This is crucial to ensure the well-being of both the pregnant individual and the baby. Choking incidents are stressful, and a medical evaluation provides reassurance about the health of the pregnancy.


How do you perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself when alone?

Performing the Heimlich Maneuver on yourself when you are alone is challenging, but it's crucial to know how to do it in case of an emergency. Here are the steps to perform Abdominal Thrusts on yourself:

  1. Make a Fist: First, make a fist with one hand. Place the thumb side against your upper abdomen, just above your navel and below the ribcage.
  2. Grasp Your Fist with the Other Hand: Use your other hand to grasp your fist tightly.
  3. Position Yourself: To increase the pressure, use a countertop, chair, or railing. Position yourself against the back of the chair or the edge of the countertop.
  4. Apply Quick Abdominal Thrusts: Use your body weight to press your fist into your abdomen with quick, upward thrusts. The thrusts should be forceful but controlled. Imagine trying to lift yourself off the ground with these movements.
  5. Repeat Until the Object is Dislodged: Continue performing abdominal thrusts until the object is dislodged, or cough forcefully, breathe, or the object is expelled. If you can cough forcefully, it means your airway is clearing. If you can't dislodge the object and you're alone, call emergency services immediately.
  6. If You Lose Consciousness: If you become unconscious, it's crucial for someone to find you as soon as possible. Make sure someone knows you are in distress or have a medical condition that might cause choking.


How to Perform the Heimlich maneuver on dogs?

Performing the Heimlich Maneuver on a dog is a critical skill that saves a pet's life in case they are choking. Here's how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on a dog:

  1. Approach Calmly: Approach the dog calmly and assess the situation. Dogs, especially distressed ones are unpredictable, so it's important to approach them in a non-threatening manner.
  2. Restrain the Dog: If the dog is small, kneel down and hold them against your body with their spine against your chest. For larger dogs, stand behind them and use your body to restrain them.
  3. Locate the Area Below the Ribcage: Just like with humans, the Heimlich Maneuver for dogs involves applying pressure to the area just below the ribcage.
  4. Use Both Hands: Make a fist with both hands and place them just below the ribcage. Alternatively, if the dog is small, use one hand. Avoid putting pressure directly on the dog's ribs, as this cause injury.
  5. Perform Abdominal Thrusts: Apply quick and firm upward pressure to the dog's abdomen using your fists. The thrusts should be strong enough to dislodge the object but not so forceful as to cause injury. Use an upward and forward motion.
  6. Check the Mouth: After each thrust, check the dog's mouth to see if the object has been dislodged. If you see and easily reach the object, gently remove it, being careful not to push it further down the throat.
  7. Continue Until the Object is Dislodged: Repeat the abdominal thrusts and mouth checks until the object is dislodged, and the dog breathe and swallow normally. If the object is not expelled after several attempts, or if the dog loses consciousness, seek veterinary assistance immediately.


When Not to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver

The Heimlich Maneuver is a valuable life-saving technique, but there are situations where it should not be performed. Here are instances when you should refrain from performing the Heimlich Maneuver:

  • When the Person is Coughing Effectively: If the person is coughing forcefully and able to clear their airway, do not perform abdominal thrusts. Coughing is the body's natural way of trying to dislodge an obstruction, and interfering with this process makes the situation worse.
  • When the Person is able to Speak or Breathe: If the person is able to speak, breathe, or make any other sounds, it indicates that their airway is not completely blocked. Encourage them to continue coughing and try to clear the obstruction on their own. However, monitor them closely in case their condition worsens.
  • For Unconscious Individuals: Do not use the Heimlich Maneuver on individuals who are unconscious. In such cases, CPR, involving chest compressions and rescue breaths, is the appropriate emergency response.
  • In Cases of Drowning: If someone has experienced a drowning incident, the Heimlich Maneuver is not the appropriate response. Instead, start CPR immediately and follow the drowning victim protocol, which includes chest compressions and rescue breathing.
  • When the Person is Pregnant: If the person who is choking is pregnant, use modified techniques for the abdominal thrusts to avoid putting excessive pressure on the abdomen and the uterus. Seek immediate medical attention after successfully dislodging the obstruction.
  • In Cases of Suspected Poisoning: If the person is choking due to ingestion of a toxic substance or chemical, do not perform the Heimlich Maneuver. Instead, follow the specific first aid guidelines for poisoning and seek medical help promptly.

Always assess the situation carefully and consider the individual's condition before deciding whether to perform the Heimlich Maneuver. If you are unsure or uncomfortable about performing the maneuver, it is essential to call for professional medical assistance immediately.


Are there alternatives to the Heimlich Maneuver for relieving choking?

The Heimlich Maneuver remains one of the most effective techniques for clearing airway obstructions. However, If the Heimlich Maneuver is not possible or ineffective, consider using back blows or chest thrusts as alternative methods to clear the airway obstruction.


Back Blows

Back blows involve delivering a series of firm blows between the shoulder blades of the choking person using the heel of your hand. Back blows are suitable for infants and small children who are choking. They are often preferred over abdominal thrusts (Heimlich Maneuver) in this age group because abdominal thrusts is too forceful for their delicate bodies.


Chest Thrusts

Chest thrusts are similar to abdominal thrusts but are performed on the chest, pushing inward and upward. Chest thrusts is used as an alternative to the Heimlich Maneuver when it is not possible to perform abdominal thrusts. This includes situations where the person is too large to reach around, or when abdominal thrusts have failed.


What Are the Common Risks and Considerations Associated with the Heimlich Maneuver?

While the Heimlich Maneuver is a crucial life-saving technique, there are potential risks and complications associated with performing it, especially if not done correctly or in certain situations. Some of these risks include:

  1. Rib Fractures: Applying forceful abdominal thrusts leads to rib fractures, especially in elderly individuals or those with weakened bones. Fractured ribs  causes significant pain, difficulty breathing, and other complications.
  2. Internal Injuries: Excessive force during the maneuver might cause injuries to internal organs, including the liver, spleen, or diaphragm. These injuries are serious and requires medical attention.
  3. Vomiting: The forceful thrusts could induce vomiting, which might lead to aspiration. Aspiration occurs when vomited material is breathed into the lungs, potentially causing pneumonia or other respiratory issues.
  4. Injuries to Pregnant Individuals: Applying pressure in the abdominal area of a pregnant person might harm both the individual and the fetus. Special care and modified techniques are necessary when performing the Heimlich Maneuver on pregnant individuals.
  5. Ineffective Removal of the Obstruction: If not performed correctly, the Heimlich Maneuver might not dislodge the obstructing object entirely. In such cases, the person remains at risk of choking, and the maneuver needs to be repeated or alternative methods employed.
  6. Delay in Seeking Professional Help: Relying solely on the Heimlich Maneuver without seeking medical attention is dangerous, especially if the obstruction is not entirely cleared. Quick access to professional medical care is vital even after a successful maneuver to assess for any potential complications or injuries.
  7. Psychological Impact: Performing the Heimlich Maneuver, especially on a loved one is emotionally distressing. It might cause anxiety or trauma for both the rescuer and the person being rescued.


Given these risks, it's essential to ensure that individuals performing the Heimlich Maneuver are properly trained. Proper technique, as well as assessing the situation carefully, minimizes the risks associated with the maneuver.

How do you assess if the obstruction has been cleared?

After performing abdominal thrusts, it is crucial to carefully observe the person's response. Signs that the obstruction have been cleared include the ability to breathe, speak, or cough. If the person performs these actions, it indicates that the airway is clear. However, it's essential to remain vigilant, as complications could arise, and professional medical attention should be sought to confirm complete resolution and address any potential issues.

What immediate actions should be taken after performing abdominal thrusts?

Following the successful performance of abdominal thrusts, it's imperative to monitor the individual closely. If there are lingering signs of distress, continued difficulty breathing, or any other concerning symptoms, maintain first aid measures and seek immediate medical help. Even if the obstruction seems to be cleared, professional evaluation is crucial to ensure the person's overall well-being.

Where can you receive training for performing the Heimlich maneuver?

Training for the Heimlich maneuver and other first aid techniques is widely available. Local Red Cross chapters, community centers, hospitals, and certified first aid training programs offer courses. Additionally, online platforms provide convenient access to training. It's essential to choose reputable sources with qualified instructors to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.

How often should one renew their training in abdominal thrusts?

The recommended frequency for renewing CPR and first aid certifications, including abdominal thrusts, is typically every two years. Staying informed about updates in guidelines is crucial, and individuals should consider refreshing their knowledge whenever there are significant changes in first aid protocols. Regular training ensures that skills are current and effective.

What are the legal implications of performing abdominal thrusts on someone?

Legal implications varies by jurisdiction. In many places, Good Samaritan laws protect individuals who provide reasonable assistance during emergencies, including abdominal thrusts. It's important to act responsibly, within the scope of one's training, and obtain consent when possible. Being aware of local laws and acting in accordance with them is essential.

Do Good Samaritan laws protect individuals who perform the Heimlich maneuver in an emergency?

Good Samaritan laws generally offer legal protection to individuals providing emergency assistance, including the Heimlich maneuver. However, the specifics differ by location. Understanding the details of these laws in your area is crucial. Acting in good faith, within your level of training, and obtaining consent when possible are important considerations.

Are there ethical considerations to be aware of when deciding to perform abdominal thrusts?

Ethical considerations include obtaining informed consent whenever possible, respecting the individual's dignity and privacy, and ensuring actions are guided by the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence. Acting in the person's best interest and maintaining a compassionate and respectful approach are paramount.

How do abdominal thrusts fit into the broader scope of first aid and CPR?

Abdominal thrusts are a specific technique within the broader context of first aid and CPR. Individuals trained in these areas should also be familiar with CPR, basic life support, wound care, and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). This comprehensive training equips individuals to respond effectively to a variety of emergencies.

What other first aid techniques should be known alongside abdominal thrusts?

Alongside abdominal thrusts, individuals should be proficient in CPR, which includes chest compressions and rescue breaths. Knowledge of basic life support, wound care, fracture stabilization, and the use of AEDs is crucial. A well-rounded understanding of various first aid techniques ensures a comprehensive and effective response to different emergency situations.


Koop CE. The Heimlich Maneuver. Public Health Rep. 1985 Nov-Dec;100(6):557. PMID: 3934695; PMCID: PMC1425324.

Shampo MA, Kyle RA. Henry Heimlich--Heimlich maneuver. Mayo Clin Proc. 2000 May;75(5):474. doi: 10.4065/75.5.474. PMID: 10807076.